In honor of the release of Salesforce1 I decided to do some tweaking of my own. There’s a new theme in town and its responsive! So now I can blather about on your mobile device as well as on your desktop so you can be annoyed on the go! There’s no escape…
In all seriousness, I chose the “TumblePress” theme as I’m not a huge photo person so I didn’t need something really flashy with lots of “purty pictures.” It’s mainly a tech blog after all. For me, its clean, mostly uncluttered and came with much of the functionality I needed. I’m not a huge wordpress fan, but they make it fast and easy and I just don’t seem to have the time for the “roll your own” blog thing anymore…
I made a few tweaks like overriding the default font to courier in order to keep in the spirit of my old school unix box and vi. Besides, I LIKE my fonts fixed-width…
Anyhow — please don’t read my blog while driving :)